

格温内斯仁慈大学's 2024 毕业典礼 Ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024.



2024年1月20日星期六上午11点.m. 在茱莉亚鲍尔礼堂,圣. 格温内斯谷校园的伯纳德大厅.
Open to August 2023 and pending December 2023 EdD program graduates only. Specific information regarding this event – including ordering regalia and tickets – has been sent directly to qualifying participants via email.

2024年5月17日星期五下午4点.m. 在格温内斯谷校区的格里芬综合体育馆
Open to all graduates (Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral) and their guests

2024年5月17日周五晚7点.m. 在格温内斯谷校区的格里芬综合体育馆


地点: 位于奥克斯的大费城博览中心- A馆
For address, directions and other information about the Expo Center, please visit www.phillyexpocenter.com.

Each commencement ceremony will last approximately 90 to 120 minutes.


Graduates will be expected to arrive at the Expo Center for check-in, 使穿上长袍, 早上九点前排队.m.!

Undergraduate 毕业典礼 (Associate and Bachelor Degrees)

Graduates will be expected to arrive at the Expo Center for check-in, 使穿上长袍, 下午一点前排队.m.!

待定毕业生将收到一封电子邮件 2024年2月底/ 3月初 《哪里可以买球》——请务必列入白名单。”admin@marchingorder.com” and check your inbox and spam for this very important email.


  • download their Grad Pass (their digital ticket to the ceremony)
  • reserve and email digital guest tickets (see “客人的机票” below)
  • 核实他们名字的发音

Each graduate will have the opportunity to reserve four (4) guest tickets via Marching Order. Infants and small children who can remain seated in a lap during the ceremony do not require a ticket. 客票金额可能会有变动. 没有额外的票, so we encourage students in need of extra tickets to check with classmates who may not need all four guest tickets.

Information regarding how to reserve guest tickets in the Marching Order system will be emailed directly to graduating students and posted to the commencement website in the coming weeks.

Graduates will have the opportunity to enter the phonetic pronunciations of their names in the Marching Order system to ensure their names will be accurately pronounced during the commencement ceremony.

Each commencement ceremony will be live-streamed for guests unable to attend in person. The links to each live-stream will be posted to the commencement webpage a few minutes prior to the ceremonies. 直播也将被记录下来,以供将来观看.

Graduates will receive diploma covers at their commencement ceremony. 文凭 will be mailed to graduates’ homes approximately eight weeks after commencement.

The Expo Center has plentiful parking for persons with disabilities and is completely accessible. If a graduate or guest has specific accessibility needs, please email: accessibilityservices@philboardport.com

Outside food and beverages are not permitted in the Expo Center. 我们感谢你们的合作.

Photographers from Lifetouch will take pictures of each graduate as they leave the stage with their diploma cover. 从五月开始,毕业生可以在 www.events.lifetouch.com 当他们的照片样件准备好时收到通知. 没有义务购买这些照片.

*Hired, individual photographers are prohibited and will be asked to leave.* 

All graduates must have academic regalia to participate in their commencement ceremonies. Graduates can arrange to have regalia shipped directly to their home. Please see the instructions below to place your regalia order. There is no cost to order regalia – the cost is covered by a portion of the graduation fee – and it is yours to keep!


  1. 导航到 http://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1045028/Gwynedd-Mercy-University/ 
  2. 点击“毕业帽和礼服”瓷砖
  3. Select the appropriate collection from the “Select A Collection” drop-down menu
  4. Click on the appropriate regalia collection for your degree
  5. 点击“礼服尺寸”,输入身高和体重
  6. Click “Major/Curriculum” and choose appropriate field of study and then click “Continue” and “Add to Cart”
  7. 输入姓和名,然后点击“Checkout”
  8. 点击“以客人身份继续”
  9. 输入联络资料,然后按“继续”
  10. 查看您的订单摘要并点击“提交”
  11. 保存您的订单确认号码以备将来参考

Online Regalia and 偷了订购 Site Open Until April 1, 2024! 所有Regalia和stolen订单必须在4月1日之前放置, 2024 to Ensure Delivery Prior to the 毕业典礼!

Graduates have the option of purchasing a customizable stole to wear with their academic regalia. 要访问该网站:

  1. 导航到 http://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1045028/Gwynedd-Mercy-University/ 
  2. 点击“个性化偷窃”按钮.
  3. Follow the directions to build your custom stole and submit your payment.

Online Regalia and 偷了订购 Site Open Until April 1, 2024! 所有Regalia和stolen订单必须在4月1日之前放置, 2024 to Ensure Delivery Prior to the 毕业典礼!

Lifetouch Photography will be on the Gwynedd Valley campus from April 2, 2024年至4月4日, 2024年拍毕业照.

  • 2024年4月2日,星期二,下午12点.m. – 8 p.m.
  • 2024年4月3日星期三上午10点.m. – 5 p.m.
  • 2024年4月4日星期四:中午12点.m. – 8 p.m.

Portrait sessions will be held in the Late Night Lounge of the Waldron 学生 Center. Regalia will be provided by the photographer and there is no cost to be photographed. 



2024年8月毕业生可以提交 这份请愿书 to participate in the May 2024 commencement ceremonies if they meet the following criteria:

  • 他们是攻读律师学位的学生, Bachelors or Masters degree and are in good academic standing
  • 他们有 六个或更少学分 to be completed by the August graduation date or will be completing clinical coursework before the August graduation date

The completed form must be received in the Office of Academic Affairs no later than March 29, 2024 所有必需的签名. 经教务处审核后, applicants will receive an email from the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.


每年的荣誉大会上, the Gwynedd Mercy 校友 Association presents the 校友 Award for Outstanding Undergraduate 学生 (four-year degree) and Graduate 学生 (Masters/Doctoral degree). 

想想你认识的2024届毕业生吧, 五月份就要毕业了, and nominate your student(s) to be a candidate for these awards. The qualifications for each award are outlined on the nomination forms below. 每份表格请提交一名候选人.

The 校友 Association greatly appreciates your time and energy in this initiative.

提名必须寄给米娅·麦格林 麦格琳.m@philboardport.com 或者到她在圣母升天大厅二楼的办公室, 2024年3月15日.



请电子邮件 commencement@philboardport.com.